March 18, 2024
Brian Winterfeldt and Emily Murray

The World Trademark Review Recognizes Winterfeldt IP Group as a Globally Distinguished Firm in Latest WTR1000 Rankings

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The World Trademark Review, a renowned publication known for its comprehensive coverage and analysis of the latest developments in data and trademarks, has recently unveiled its 2024 edition of the annual WTR1000 rankings. These rankings identify top practitioners and law firms in the trademark industry, and the rigorous evaluation process conducted by the WTR team ensures that these awards hold significant relevance for anyone seeking counsel in the realm of Intellectual Property (IP). Each year, the WTR team conducts thorough research, gathering feedback from clients, assessing track records, expertise, and client service through industry experts. This meticulous process results in rankings that are highly reliable, applicable, and relevant.

Given the diverse scope of practice areas within trademark law, the WTR1000 rankings categorize law firms and attorneys based on their specialization and expertise in specific areas. This categorization not only helps businesses and individuals identify firms best suited to their unique needs but also enhances the credibility and relevance of the rankings for the mentioned firms and lawyers.

It is with immense pride that we announce Winterfeldt IP Group's inclusion in this year's rankings for both our "prosecution and strategy services" and "enforcement and litigation services." Additionally, we are thrilled to share the individual honors received by our Founder and Principal, Brian Winterfeldt, who was awarded gold honors, and Of Counsel Christy Susman, who received bronze honors. These accolades represent years of experience, proven track records, and unparalleled customer service, making them highly commendable achievements within the industry.

Winterfeldt IP Group has been awarded a silver ranking for its "prosecution and strategy services," reflecting extensive feedback showcasing our high-quality work and dedication to the foundations of trademark and brand protection. The World Trademark Review has praised our firm, stating, "Offering an A-to-Z brands service, Winterfeldt IP Group is known for its bespoke service and excellent work product. Its attorneys are thorough, responsive, and work closely with clients to provide them with exactly what they need." This description resonates with us as it accurately captures our focus on personalized and effective legal solutions, as well as our commitment to fostering long-lasting and meaningful relationships with our clients.

Furthermore, Winterfeldt IP Group's "enforcement and litigation services" have been recognized with a bronze ranking, highlighting our exceptional skill in handling, comprehensively and effectively, legal matters involving protecting against unauthorized third-party use of our clients’ brands. This ranking signifies our ability to resolve these contentious matters in a manner resulting in definitive and permanent solutions for our clients.

On an individual level, Brian Winterfeldt's gold ranking places him in the company of professionals who have received the highest level of positive feedback and consistently accomplish sophisticated work, often securing high-profile, big-ticket work from prestigious clients. With over two decades of experience, Brian has amassed a wealth of knowledge and a network of talented colleagues in the field, fostering collaboration, thought leadership, and high-level service. Brian is also internationally recognized for his leadership in Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) initiatives within the legal profession, a focus that is increasingly critical for brand owners and expected of top-tier outside counsel.

Brian’s proven track record and dedication to producing top-notch results for clients have earned him accolades from the WTR, which notes, "Brian Winterfeldt brings deep experience and know-how when it comes to trademarks and domain names. He offers incredibly helpful advice that achieves truly fantastic results." Brian manages all aspects of numerous global trademark portfolios alongside Christy Susman, who brings over 25 years of experience and sage strategic advice that strengthens clients’ trademark protection.

In closing, we extend our gratitude to the WTR for recognizing Brian Winterfeldt as one of the nationally recognized gold band digital experts and for acknowledging Winterfeldt IP Group's hard work in prosecution, strategy, litigation, and enforcement. These accolades reflect our versatility and quality of work, of which we are immensely proud. We also thank our peers and clients for acknowledging our dedication and commitment to delivering exceptional legal services.

For further information or to discuss intellectual property matters, please contact any of the following Winterfeldt IP Group team members:

Brian Winterfeldt,

Emily Murray,

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